How To Make Japanese Drip Coffee

How To Make Japanese Drip Coffee

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Many people like Japanese drip coffee and this is the main reason, they always want to know the best method for How To Make Japanese Drip Coffee. You can make the Japanese drip coffee using your favorite brew method. Make sure that you select the right grind size. Japanese drip coffee is made with a unique roasting process. 

In traditional coffee makers, we use hot air to crack the beans to get the best flavor and aroma, but the Japanese drip coffee beans are charcoal-roasted. This will result in stronger and full-bodied coffee with a smoky aroma. 

If you want to make this special Japanese drip coffee and want to know how to brew the perfect cup of coffee, keep reading this post. The level of coffee grind depends on the different brewing methods. In this guide, we will talk about how to make Japanese drip coffee as it is the most tasty coffee in the world.

What is Japanese Drip Coffee?

In Japanese drip coffee, hot water is slowly poured on the coffee beans to get the best flavor within the beans. Japanese drip coffee is famous for its perfect extraction method, brewing each cup with so much care and attention. So the main purpose of Japanese drip coffee is to enhance the original flavor of the coffee.

Steps for Brewing with a Moka Pot

1. In the moka pot, pour the boiling water, you can preheat the moka pot because it prevents the moka pot from being too hot. The reason is that if the moka pot becomes more hot then you will feel a metallic taste.

2. Put the finely ground coffee in the filter basket until it is full. Keep this thing in mind that you have put the basket in the bottom of the pot. Also, the Moka pots are available in different sizes depending on the number of cups or shots. 

The basket’s size and the water fill line are specially designed to give you the perfect ratio of coffee grounds to water. It is also possible to level the filter basket with the help of your finger but there is no need to compact the grounds just like you do it with the espresso machine. 

3. Crew on the top of the mocha pot and put it on the stove with medium flame.

Take off the top lead so that the coffee should enter the upper chamber then you can see the whole process and can easily know when it’s done. 

Now, you can easily see the perfect level of heat from your stove by practicing it. If you see the coffee bubbling over into the upper chamber then turn Up The heat. However, on the other side, if you see the coffee shoot up on the top then it is the time to turn the heat down. 

4. When the copies spill out in the upper chamber then it is time to brew your coffee until it turns into a light Honey color and all the water in the bottom of the pot has evaporated. All this process takes about 5 minutes. 

When the brewing is completed, run cold water over the bottom of the moka pot in order to finish off the extraction process. 

Steps for Brewing with Nespresso Type Coffee Machine

For brewing with a Nespresso-type coffee machine, you can use a reusable Nespresso filter. According to the conditions, add 5.5 grams to 7 grams of coffee in the single reusable Nespresso filter. However, on the other side, if you are using a cake-up machine then you can use a paper filter grinder. 

Coffee to Water Ratio


For this purpose, 8 grams of coffee is needed for one oz of water. 

Moka pot 

Here 4 to 5 grams of coffee is needed for one oz of water. You can make one shot of espresso like coffee and you can use the water fill line and filter basket to complete the whole process. 

Steps for Brewing Pour-over Coffee

1. Put the coffee dripper over your carafe or cup and in the dripper, place the filter paper.

2. Then take the hot water put the filter paper in it and then discard the water.

It will wipe away any flavors that the filter paper might have passed on to the coffee. 

It also helps in bringing the dripper and the filter when you hold it up to a particular temperature. This might occur because the coffee grounds don’t lose so much heat while brewing.

3. Then take the coffee grounds put on the filter and then slowly pour hot water in a circular motion over them. In the first pour, you will feel a great bloom, and you can see the coffee grounds swelling up. 

4. Then pour the water on the coffee grounds until they are saturated for about 15 seconds. Then wait for the water to drip through on your cup for about 30 seconds or more. 

5. Repeat this process for three more hours until all the water is used and the coffee is completely collected in your cup. The whole process takes about only 3 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the factors affecting the taste and quality of Japanese drip coffee?

The quality and taste of Japanese drip coffee are dependent on the freshness of the ground coffee beans, and the ratio of the quantity of coffee and hot water. It also depends on the temperature of the hot water.

What is the ideal temperature for the water to make Japanese drip coffee?

The ideal temperature for the water while making Japanese drip coffee should be above 80 degrees Celsius or between 85 to 90 degrees Celsius.

How can you pour the water over the coffee grounds while making Japanese drip coffee?

You should pour the hot water gradually in small drips while making drip coffee. So pour the water gradually on the ground coffee. Make sure that you are pouring the water in a circular direction and then continue to pour the water in a circular motion as the drift circle becomes bigger. 

What is the particular sign of having a good-tasting coffee?

The sign of good-tasting coffee is the formation of froth when the hot water is poured on the coffee grounds. So if you do not feel any form or froth on the coffee grounds then it means that your coffee will not taste good.

Final Thoughts

 Making Japanese drip coffee is a simple brewing method that only needs attention to make a perfect cup. Make sure that you are maintaining the temperature of the water and use fresh quality coffee beans. 

You should also consider the gradual pouring technique for creating a rich and flavourful cup of coffee. Japanese drip copy comes up with its clean and balanced taste. So what are you waiting for? If you like Japanese drip coffee, then go ahead, follow any of the processes discussed above, and enjoy a great cup of coffee in the morning or on a peaceful night. 

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