Today we’re going to reveal how to choose the perfect coffee beans for you. What makes some coffee beans better than others? If you’re like most people, this is probably something you’ve wondered about at one point or another. After all, coffee beans from different regions and roasters can taste very different.
Even the freshest coffee beans wouldn’t taste delicious if stored improperly. Fortunately, with some helpful advice, you can learn to choose the best coffee beans and ensure that your morning cup of joe always tastes its best! Here are a few tips on how to choose the best coffee beans.
6 Tips To Choose The Perfect Coffee Beans
Now it’s time to see the 6 tips for choosing the best coffee beans.
Know what you want
The first step when choosing coffee beans is figuring out what you want in a cup of coffee. Do you prefer light, medium, or dark roast? What kind of flavor profile are you looking for?
Have a clear idea of what you’re looking for in your coffee beans before you start searching. Are you a fan of robust coffees that pack a punch? Or do you like smooth and clean flavors?
Price isn’t always an indicator of quality, but it can help narrow down your options when so wide varieties are available.
Please do some research on regional roasters and taste test their products before deciding. Use our list as a starting point.
Once you find something that works for you, don’t be afraid to expand your horizons and try something new!
Consider different brands
Before you begin looking for the best coffee beans, it’s essential to know that there is no one set of best coffee beans; different brands use different methods in growing, cultivating, and harvesting.
You might find your favorite brand and never need another, but that doesn’t mean other brands aren’t out there using better equipment or techniques—they are.
You’ll need to learn how each company has handled its processes to find a genuinely exceptional batch of coffee beans.
Don’t worry: We’ll help with some general pointers below! (And if you’re looking for more information on choosing coffee beans based on specific tastes like country of origin or type of roast, check out our complete guide.)
Consider different roasts
There are three main categories of coffee beans (and roasts) defined by how long they’ve been roasted. The time listed on a bag or can of coffee is simply an average, meaning there will be some variation in actual roast time between brands and even different batches.
Light roasts have been roasted for a short period, while dark roasts have been roasted for longer; medium roasts are somewhere in between.
Each roast has a different flavor profile and produces slightly different flavors when brewed (light being brighter, with more fruity notes; dark being bolder, with smokier notes).
Consider trying out a few different types before choosing your favorite. You might even want to experiment with blending two or more!
Consider different regions of origin
The best coffee beans for your morning brew come from worldwide, and there are many different regions you can choose from.
For instance, African coffees are typically lighter with a mild flavor. Ethiopian coffee is sometimes roasted at lower temperatures, producing a rich earthy flavor. So how do you choose which beans to buy?
Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what type of roast works best for your taste buds; however, choosing coffee beans by region is always a good idea if you’re unsure what kind of roast you prefer.
A little research on any particular area can reveal some great flavor profiles that might make it easier to decide which bean you should buy!
Don’t buy more than you can use
It’s tempting to pick up a couple of extra pounds of coffee beans, especially if they’re on sale. But it won’t save you money in the long run since stale coffee loses its flavor quickly.
To ensure your coffee stays fresh as long as possible, store it at room temperature in an airtight container—ideally a dark one—away from heat and light.
Please don’t leave your beans near hot appliances such as ovens or microwaves or store them inside a refrigerator unless you plan on using them within about two weeks.
Keeping your coffee properly means buying only what you can use before it goes bad!
Avoid buying light-roasted beans if you prefer dark roasts
When you’re choosing your coffee beans, you may notice different colors and markings on them. This is usually an indication of roast level.
Buy darker beans if you want to stick with dark roasts but want a flavor other than boldness. The same goes for lightly roasted beans: if you like milder roasts, opt for lighter-colored beans; typically, these will have a more earthy taste than their darker counterparts.
Keep in mind that not all coffee originates from East Africa or South America, where many high-quality beans are produced—you can also find some good beans in Central America and Asia.
The best coffee beans for you can vary depending on your favorite type of coffee, how you brew it, and your preferred flavor profile.
We hope our guide helps you find coffee that makes every morning a little brighter. Now enjoy some coffee! (And read some of our other posts while you’re at it.)

MD Azizul Hakim is a content creator and the co-founder of He has been writing content and reviews for over five years. He loves to brew coffee and serve it with his colleagues.